
Qiong Hu

Contact Information


Research Experiences

FAVECAD System for Robotic Design (Jun - Oct 2018)
Advisor: Professor Ankur Mehta, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, UCLA

Thin-edge Detection in 2D Material hBN (Jul 2016 - Jun 2018)
Advisor: Professor Yuanbo Zhang, Physics Department, Fudan University (supported by FDUROP)

Choreography of Metal-Fighter Robots (Mar - Jun 2018)
Advisor: Professor Wenqiang Zhang, Computer Science Department, Fudan University

Atomic Electron Orbitals in VR (Jan - Jun 2018)
Advisor: Professor Jinglin Lv, Professor Xinyuan Wei, Physics Department, Fudan University

Electrical Bouncing Ball Game (Mar - Jun 2018)
Advisor: Professor Xi Yu, Physics Department, Fudan University

Path-following Mobile Robot (Sep - Dec 2017)
Advisor: Professor Dennis M. Briggs, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, UCLA

Motion-Signaled Morse Code Translation System. (Sep - Dec 2017)
Advisor: Professor William J. Kaiser, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, UCLA

Traffic Congestion Model. (Sep 2016)
Physics Department, Fudan University


Honors and Awards

  1. 2018 National Web Security Challenge Competition. First Price (Mar 2018)
  2. XRS Education Scholarship (First Prize) for outstanding students. (Dec 2017)
  3. China Government Scholarship. One of ten winners in the university. (May 2017)
  4. 2017 Honors Student Award in Physics. Won for exceptional academic performance in National Top Talent Undergraduate Training Program. (Jun 2017)
  5. The 33rd National Physics Contest (Professional Group, Shanghai). Second Prize (Dec 2016)
  6. The 8th National Mathematical Contest (Shanghai). Second Prize (Oct 2016)
  7. 2016 HEPC National Mathematical Modeling Contest (Shanghai). Third Prize (Oct 2016)
  8. National Scholarship. Won as the top student in the department. (2015 - 2016)


Other Experiences

Curriculum Vitae

Updated: Dec 2018