
Teaching Note of "Fundamental Physics Laboratory"


Reading Note

Although we don't often articulate them, most physics instructors have expectation-related goals for their students. In our university physics course for engineers and other scientists, we try to get students to make connections, understand the limitations and conditions on the applicability of equations, build their physical intuition, bring their personal experience to bear on their problem solving, and see connections between classroom physics and the real world. We refer to this kind of learning goal—a goal not listed in the course's syllabus or the textbook's table of contents—as part of the course's “hidden curriculum”. We are frustrated by the tendency many students have to seek “efficiency”—to achieve a satisfactory grade with the least possible effort—often with a severe unnoticed penalty on how much they learn. They may spend a large amount of time memorizing long lists of uninterpreted facts or performing algorithmic solutions to large numbers of problems without giving them any thought or trying to make sense of them. Although some students consider this efficient, it is only efficient in the short term. The knowledge thus gained is superficial, situation dependent, and quickly forgotten.

——Taken From: “Student expectations in introductory physics” by Edward F. Redish, Jeffery M. Saul, and Richard N. Steinberg. Citation: American Journal of Physics 66, 212 (1998); doi: 10.1119/1.18847

VIP Words

Why we make experimental measurements

—Adopted from “Physics Laboratory Experiments5th Edition Jerry D. Wilson

  As Lord Kelvin so aptly expressed(See above), we measure things to know something about them–So that we can describe objects and understand phenomena. Experimental measurement is the cornerstone of the scientifc method, which holds that no theory or model of nature is tenable unless the results it predicts are in accord with experiment.

  The main purpose of an introductory physics laboratory is to provide “hand-on” experience of various physical principles. In so doing, one becomes familiar with laboratory equipment and procedures and with the scientific method.

For 2011

March 18th
