课题3 Acoustic Lens

  • 学生:
  • 指导老师:岑剡

Fresnel lenses with concentric rings are widely used in optical applications, however a similar principle can be used to focus acoustic waves. Design and produce an acoustic lens and investigate its properties, such as amplification, as a function of relevant parameters.

  1. Wikipedia:Fabry–Pérot interferometer, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fabry%E2%80%93P %C3%A9rot_interferometer
  2. M. Molerуn, M. Serra-Garcia, C. Daraio. Acoustic Fresnel lenses with extraordinary transmission. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 114109 (2014), http://www.mechmat.ethz.ch/publications/Acoustic%20Fresnel.pdf
  3. Y. Yamada and T. Teruo. Fresnel Lens of Sound (Nagoya City Science Museum), http://www.ncsm.city.nagoya.jp/cgi-bin/en/exhibition_guide/exhibit.cgi? id=S406&key=F&keyword=Fresnel%20lens
  4. W. E. Kock and F. K. Harvey. Refracting sound waves. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 21, 471–481 (1949) W. J. Toulis. Acoustic focusing with spherical structures. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 35, 286–292 (1963)
  5. L. A. A. Warnes. The use of antiphased zones in an acoustic Fresnel lens for a scanning sonar transmitter. Ultrasonics 20, 4, 184-188 (1982)
  6. B. Hadimioglu, E.G. Rawson, R. Lujan, M. Lim, B.T. Khuri-Yakub, and C.F. Quate. High-efficiency Fresnel acoustic lenses. Ultrasonics Symposium, IEEE Proc. 1, 579-582 (1993), http://www- kyg.stanford.edu/khuriyakub/opencms/Downloads/93_Hadimioglu_01.pdf
  7. L. Sanchis, A. Yánez, P. L. Galindo, J. Pizarro, and J. M. Pastor. Three-dimensional acoustic lenses with axial symmetry. Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 054103 (2010), http://www.researchgate.net/publication/232602649_Three- dimensional_acoustic_lenses_with_axial_symmetry
  8. T. W. Shield and J. G. Harris. An acoustic lens design using the geometrical theory of diffraction. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 75, 1634 (1984)
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