Topic 4 Super Ball

  • 学生: 周童 卢书剑
  • 指导教师:姚红英

Problem No. 4 “Super Ball”

Throw a highly elastic ball into the space between two plates. The ball starts bouncing and under some circumstances can even be projected back to you. Investigate the motion of the ball and parameters influencing the motion, including the orientation of the plates.


  1. P. J. Aston, P. M. Milliken, and R. Shail. The bouncing motion of a superball between a horizontal floorand a vertical wall. Int. J. Non-Lin. Mech. 46, 204-221 (2011),
  2. R. I. Garwin. Kinematics of an Ultraelastic Rough Ball. Am. J. Phys. 37, 1, 88-92 (1969),
  3. R. Cross. Measurements of the horizontal coefficient of restitution for a superball and a tennis ball. Am.J. Phys. 70, 5, 482-489 (2002),
  4. N. Maw, J. R. Barber, and J. N. Fawcett. The oblique impact of elastic spheres. Wear 38, 1, 101-114,
  5. N. Maw, J. R. Barber, and J. N. Fawcett. The rebound of elastic bodies in oblique impact. Mech. Res.Comm. 4, 1, 17-22 (1977),
  6. N. Maw, J. R. Barber, and J. N. Fawcett. The Role of Elastic Tangential Compliance in Oblique Impact. J.Lubric. Tech. 103, 1, 74-80 (1981),
  7. R. Cross. Grip-slip behavior of a bouncing ball. Am. J. Phys. 70, 11, 1093-1102 (2002),
  8. R. Cross. The bounce of a ball. Am. J. Phys. 67, 222–227 (1999)
  9. P. J. Aston and R. Shail. The Dynamics of a Bouncing Superball With Spin. Dynamical Systems 22, 3,291-322 (2007),,
  10. L. Labous, A. D. Rosato, and R. N. Dave. Measurements of collisional properties of spheres using highspeedvideo analysis. Phys.Rev. E 56, 5717 (1997)
  11. R. Sondergraard, K. Chaney, and C. E. Brennen. Measurements of Solid Spheres Bouncing Off FlatPlates. J. App. Mech. 112, 57, 694699 (1990),
  12. W. J. Stronge, R. James, and B. Ravani. Oblique impact with friction and tangential compliance. Phil.Trans. A 359, 1789, 24472465 (2001)
  13. A. Doménech. A classical experiment revisited: The bounce of balls and superballs in threedimensions. Am. J. Phys. 73, 28–36 (2005)
  14. ball bouncing under a table - high-speed video (, from Hugh Hunt, Mar 30, 2008),
  15. ball bouncing under a table - simulation (, from Hugh Hunt, Mar 30, 2008),
  16. Ball bouncing under a table (, from Hugh Hunt, Oct 9, 2012),
  1. 和老师讨论过了,正在准备器材(球,板子(大理石,钢化玻璃……),发射装置),正在进行初步的理论计算,计算机模拟。 — 周童 卢书剑 2016/05/04 18:19
  2. 去试了一下发射机,讨论了一下研究方式:先研究初始无角速度的,两块板平行竖直放置的情况,然后改变一块板的倾角。 — 周童 卢书剑 2016/05/08 20:36
  3. 去做了实验,正在分析数据,目标是两个恢复系数。 — 周童 卢书剑 2016/05/18 19:13
  4. 高速摄像机视频分析出现问题(帧数不对劲),正在咨询。另外正在准备发射器(类似乒乓球发球机(乐老师的在讨论课上的建议))。另外Mathematica进行了计算(文件,下面检查细节。另外讨论课之后准备先对两块水平放置的平行板实验。发球机设想如图周童 卢书剑 2016/05/23 20:33
  5. 今天弄清楚了视频问题,晚上去重新拍摄视频。 — 周童 卢书剑 2016/05/25 15:02
  6. 最近在处理视频,另外和李老师讨论了发射器,准备改装一下原始的弹簧发射器。 — 周童 卢书剑 2016/05/27 17:59
  7. 讨论之后准备深入研究旋转形成的机制,又拍了视频,正在分析。 — 周童 卢书剑 2016/06/07 20:48
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  • 最后更改: 2016/06/07 20:49
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