1.Invent Yourself

  • Take a box (e.g. a matchbox), filled with identical objects (e.g.matches, balls, …). Find a method to determine the number of objects in the box solely by the sound produced while shaking the box. How does the accuracy depend on the properties of the objects, the box, and the packing density?
  • 考虑一个装满相同物体(如火柴、球)的盒子(如火柴盒),找到一种方法来仅通过晃动盒子时产生的声音来确定盒子中物体的数量。这种方法的准确性如何取决于物体的性质、盒子的性质和装填密度?




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  • course/interesting_problems/2024/topic1/start.txt
  • 最后更改: 2024/03/30 14:46
  • 由 xiaole