

  • Office:物理楼369
  • Office Phone:65643437
  • email:cenyan@fudan.edu.cn


  2005年7月 --- 至今 复旦大学物理系实验中心
  2009年9月---2018年7月 复旦大学物理系光学专业博士研究生
  2002年9月---2005年7月 复旦大学物理系光学专业硕士研究生
  1998年9月---2002年7月 复旦大学物理系本科


  1. Y. Cen, J. Y. Chen,Photohemolysis of erythrocytes by He-Ne laser irradiation: the effect of power density, Lasers in Medical Science,2004,19,161-164.
  2. Cen Yan, Ma Jiong, Zhu Rong-Yi, Lu Jun-Jun, Qian Shi-Xiong, Chen Ji-Yao,Femtosecond Time-Resolved Absorption of Oxyhaemoglobin Photolysis in Living Erythrocytes, 中国物理快报,2004,21(8), 1636-1639.
  3. 岑剡, 张人, 姚文华, 马炯, 陈暨耀,一氧化氮血红蛋白等几种血红蛋白的拉曼光谱研究, 光谱学与光谱分析, 2005,25(3),405-408.
  4. X.Q. Mi, J.Y. Chen, Y. Cen, Z.J. Liang ,L.W. Zhou, A comparative study of 632.8 and 532 nm laser irradiation on some rheological factors in human blood in vitro, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 2004, 74, 7-12.
  5. 宓现强,岑剡,周正谊,周鲁卫,陈暨耀, 低强度激光照射对离体动物红细胞流变学性质的影响, 中国激光,2004,31(7),888-892.
  6. Ma Jiong , Cen Yan , Chen Ji-Yao, An in vitro Study on Transition from NO-Hemoglobin to Methemoglobin: Oxygen Effect, Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2005, 23(5),637 - 639.
  7. 唐爽,岑剡, 硅光电池测量硅单晶半导体材料的禁带宽度,物理实验, 2008, 28(11),6.
  8. Hao Zhang, Yan Cen, Lifan Chen, Heyuan Zhu, Full-angle collimations of two-dimensional photonic crystals with ultrahigh-index background materials,Liejia Qian and Dianyuan Fan, JOURNAL OF OPTICS, 2010, 12(4),45103.
  9. 李争路,岑剡, 平行光斜入射光栅(矩孔)的衍射光场,物理实验,2011, 31(8),43.
  10. 陈雨璐,侯晓远,岑剡, 掺杂浓度和无序对柔性有机发光二极管载流子迁移率的影响, 红外与毫米波学报, 2011, 30(03),271-275.
  11. Cen Y, Huang X, Zhang R, Chen JY, The Aggregation Enhanced Photoluminescence of Gold Nanorods in Aqueous Solutions. J Fluoresc. 2014, 24(5), 1481-1486.
  12. 陈天奕,姜修允,岑剡, 基于柱镜光栅的裸眼3D显示技术,物理实验,2015, 35(4),37.
  13. 张濛, 王忠杰, 岑剡, 光栅光谱仪的光谱重建, 物理实验, 2017, 37(5),50—54.
  14. Yan Cen, Chuanshan Tian, Surface Tension and Electrostriction in a Suspended Bridge of Dielectric Liquid[J]. Chin. Phys. Lett. 2018,35 (10):106801
  15. 吕景林, 乐永康, 冀敏, 魏心源, 白翠琴, 岑剡, & 李爱萍. 创新驱动, 开启新形势下以学生为主体的物理演示实验教学新模式. 物理实验, 2018, 38(B12), 43-46.
  16. 余昌恺 岑剡 凸透镜成像球差的模拟与测量 物理实验,39卷,12期,2019,44-49.
  17. 梁燕,孙煜婷,刘凡凡,刘一平,岑剡 基于无限大平行板的修正模型精确测量真空电容率, 物理实验, 2020,40(4),22-26.
  18. Renrun Zhang, Yan Cen*, Identifying stable hybrid double perovskites with high-performance photovoltaic and thermal properties via machine learning, AIIPCC 2022.
  19. Yan Cen, Congcong Ma, Bowen Hou, Ying Chen, Yiming Zhang, Yifan Duan,High anisotropy in titanium trisulfide monolayer: Ultrahigh carrier mobilities and large excitonic absorption[J],Chemical Physics, 2023,566, 111796.
  20. Yujie Xia, Ao Wu, Ben Li, Juan Zhang, Yiming Zhang, Lei Peng, Hezhu Shao, Yan Cen, Zengxu Wang, Shangdong Liu, Yimu Ji, Zhan Sui, Heyuan Zhu, and Hao Zhang, Spin–Orbit-Coupling-Induced Topological Transition and Anomalously Strong Intervalley Scattering in Two-Dimensional Bismuth Allotropes with Enhanced Thermoelectric Performances ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2023 15(15):19545-19559.
  21. Yujie Xia, Le Shu, Yiming Zhang, Ying Chen, Lei Peng, Juan Zhang, Ben Li, Hezhu Shao,* Yan Cen, Zhan Sui, Heyuan Zhu,* and Hao Zhang* Full-Landscape Condensation Phases for Long-Lived Excitons in 2D Tellurium: Crystal-Field Splitting and Finite-Momentum Excitons Advanced Functional Materials 2023, 2303779:1-12
  22. Ao Wu, Yujie Xia, Yiming Zhang, Lei Peng, Hezhu Shao, Yan Cen*, Heyuan Zhu, Hao Zhang* Strong Electron–Phonon and Phonon–Phonon Interactions Lead to High Thermoelectric Performances in Lead Phosphorene via Symmetry Breaking Advanced Theory and Simulations 2023 2300226:1-15


2021.12 2021第七届全国大学生物理实验竞赛(创新)获得二等奖 2021.7 2021年第七届全国大学生物理实验竞赛(教学赛)一等奖 2021.7 2021年第七届上海市大学生物理学术竞赛获一等奖 2021.6 第四届华东地区中国大学生物理学术竞赛获二等奖 2020.9 复旦大学十佳教师团队(钟扬式教学团队) 2020.8 第三届华东地区中国大学生物理竞赛一等奖 2019.8 第十届中国大学生物理学术竞赛特等奖 2018.12 2018年国家级教学成果二等奖 2017.6 全国高校第十三届物理演示教学仪器一等奖


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