

Annual Academic Conference of Dept. Physics, Fudan University (2016)

年会信息 (Information)

会议计划 (Schedule)


POSTER提交与注册说明 (Notice for submitting posters and registration)

注册时间为5月31日前,网上注册并上传poster和摘要,具体要求如下: (Registration Deadline: 31th May)

  1. 为鼓励研究生积极参与年会,年会设置6位最佳张贴奖,其中2位是金奖,4位银奖,获奖者颁发证书、奖品、和一定数额的奖金(2 Gold Prizes and 4 Silver Prizes will be awarded to outstanding posters)
  2. 文件上传的截止日期为5月31日, 超过截止时间页面将锁定,同学需要自己输出POSTER,请大家严格遵守以上时间(Please submit your files before 31th May.)
  3. 请使用PPT格式上传poster, 打印的格式必须是(70×100cm展板大小)。(Poster Size: 70cm × 100cm in .ppt format)
  4. PPT的图片分辨率不得小于300dpi(Figures in your ppt file should have the dpi over 300)
  5. PPT和摘要的文件名以学号+姓名缩写命名,如 06121213_xyz.ppt,请不要使用中文字符(Please name your ppt and abstract with: ID+initial characters of your name, e.g. 06121213_xyz.ppt. NO Chinese characters in your submitting ppt or poster's names)
  6. 参加年会但不提交POSTER的同学在注册时于“PPT”一栏 填写“无”。(Please insert “无” in the column “PPT”if you will not submit a poster)
